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T h e   T r u e   P u r p o s e   B r a n d 

Addiction Recovery Program


True Purpose Ministries is a Faith-Based, Long-term, Addiction Recovery Program providing Evidence-Based treatment and housing to Men and Women in a Structured, Therapeutic Community Environment.


Our Mission:

To Disciple Men and Women struggling with Substance Abuse by providing a Jesus Christ-Centered, Residential Program that offers hope, healing, education and life skills necessary to lead a life of lasting sobriety and fulfill their God-given True Purpose to become the Son or Daughter of God that they are intended to be.


True Purpose Ministries is dedicated to providing a low cost School of Ministry

and Vocational Training Campus for those who have struggled with addiction. We offer discipleship and state-licensed treatment options to serve your needs.






True Purpose Ministries' success has been found through the everlasting foundation of the Spiritual Principles of Jesus Christ. Recovery Centers across the nation have eliminated these principles over time, and the success rate of long-term sobriety has fallen to an all time low. The 2nd step of the 12 step model reads: We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Our Higher Power is that of Jesus Christ, who is presented to everyone that enrolls into our program with love and in a non-discriminatory fashion.


Our model is 12-months long, where each student will have the opportunity to become free from the chains of addiction through Pastoral Discipleship and long-term accountability. Our structured environment provides a successful Therapeutic Community that encourages new attitudes, habits, ways of thinking and life skills to live a productive life free of Substance Abuse.


Every day at True Purpose, we have the privilege of seeing men and women receive the free gift of transformation. Many come in as a caterpillar, but leave as a butterfly accountability. Our structured environment provides a successful Therapeutic Community that encourages new attitudes, habits, ways of thinking and life skills to live a productive life free of Substance Abuse.


Every day at True Purpose, we have the privilege of seeing men and women receive the free gift of transformation. Many come in as a caterpillar, but leave as a butterfly.


State Licensed, Evidence-Based Recovery

Another key to our success at True Purpose Ministries is that of our Tennessee State Licensed, Clinical model. Evidence-Based curriculum is instructed with group discussions and individual therapy sessions with each client. Curriculum such as Seeking Safety, Double Trouble in Recovery, 12 Steps and Relapse Prevention provide a well rounded option for those desiring a higher level of care. We focus on a structured program that provides rigorous therapy for those struggling with Substance Abuse.


Because everyone is different with different needs, each client will go through our Alcohol and Drug Assessment to correctly identify which level of care is needed. Upon completion of the assessment, an Individual Treatment Plan is created that will follow the client throughout the duration of the 90 day clinical program. The client will then be encouraged to continue in our Discipleship Program to ensure long-lasting success.


With a foundation of Spiritual Principles, this Clinical Model will equip each person with more responsibility and confidence to maintain their own recovery, while identifying and eliminating those root issues that continued the destructive cycle of addiction. Every person struggling with addiction deserves the opportunity to receive a life of sobriety.


Vocational Training Recovery​

Our Vocational Training Recovery model prepares students to learn and refine certain skills to equip them for future job placement. 

We provide an array of disciplines that educate the student to master a skill set that will break entitlement and impoverished 

mindsets. After months of shadowing a vocational instructor and completing the necessary requirements of the program, the student will have the skill set to earn $12-15 an hour to help them reintegrate back into society and provide for their family.



Eph. 4:28 states, Let him that stole steal no more, but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. True Purpose Ministries believes in a Holistic Approach to recovery that involves ministering to the Spirit, Mind and Body of a person. New habits and ways of thinking will be learned as the student occupies a firm structure and routine that continues every day of their recovery process.


True Purpose Ministries has partnerships with Businesses and Contractors that yoke in the ministry of Job Training. This often creates jobs for the individuals upon completing the necessary phases in the program that will give them the opportunity to pay Child Support, 

Court Costs and Fines occurred over the life of addiction. Responsibility is taught heavily, and we must realize that we need to mature and 

stand on our own two feet with the dependence only on God.




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